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PM Benchmark is an assessment of student's reading abilities that is done at school. The student reads a text on their own and then aloud to the teacher. As a student reads, they are assessed on fluency, reading strategies and comprehension.These areas are explained below.

Step 1: Students Read to ThemselvesStudents are given a reading booklet to read on their own.After reading, students are asked to retell the teacher what they read.The teacher marks down if they were able to summarize the main events in order and with confidence.

A student record sheet is where the teacher records information from the assessment.

I believe it is important to work together to improve your child's reading skills. As their teacher, I will be using the PM Benchmark assessment as one tool to learn about where your child is on their reading journey and how best to help them improve and reach their reading goals.

© 2019 Tanya Delleman
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