How can Parents get Involved?


Dear Parents, 

I believe it is important to work together to improve your child's reading skills. As their teacher, I will be using the PM Benchmark assessment as one tool to learn about where your child is on their reading journey and how best to help them improve and reach their reading goals. 

I will be doing this assessment at the beginning of the year and would like to go over it with you at our report card conference. I can let you know what strategies I will be working on with your child and how you can apply these strategies at home as well. 

When I complete this assessment again throughout the year, if you are interested and find it helpful, I can email the results to you as well. I encourage you to continue reading with your child and have a conversation with them about the assessment and what goals they and I have created as a result. 

I look forward to our joint collaboration so that the reading goals for your child can be met this school year.

  Mrs. Delleman

© 2019 Tanya Delleman
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